Halleh Louie XI

Some meme-worthy screenshots at the end of the Ghana/England exhibition at Wembley on Tuesday evening, after an epic equalizer from Asamoah Gyan.

According to the Twittersphere it's this bloke.  Best of luck to him on his travels to the Gold Coast. Hope he doesn't start bible-thumping Elton John or do what the Brits did the last time they colonized west Africa -- or the last time a barefoot Black Stars team played in London.

That same evening across the Irish Sea, there was a friendly in Dublin with Ireland hosting Uruguay. Yes that same Ur-so-guay team that deflated our hearts with Luis Suarez's red-carded slap at the goal line at Soccer City last summer. If ever there was a time to put the past away and begin bilateral negotiations towards a peace treaty, it is now.